08/19/04:Big Bad News all you kats and kits who read this comic. But not Kits and Kats cause what would candy be doing reading an internet web comic. Anywho bad news, The comic is for all intents and purposes dead. Or should I say deactivated as it IS about robots. Like the week that the reruns ran till I contacted Marsh to say "Hey this is the last week of comics We'd better actually make some new ones again" and well he dosen't want to do it anymore. And after having it easy and being only a co-author going back to being a full on straight six non-co author seems pretty harsh. So I plan on re-runing this storyline complete with the end to the storyline and the comic(?). Depending on what my school schedule ends up being I may do a new comic (same site and then add Flan B4DAFLAN which will have a different name and actually make B4DAFLAN) The reason I might not continue with FLAN is because I have a great we've had a great comic ending planned since after a few storylines So to end this storyline I'm going to use that. And that would've been the end after many a year with many a different comic. But as this is my Senior year of High School the classes are easy and I may be able to still do a comic. Thou the "art style" will likeley remain the same. That of doing it all in MSpaint. So unless my homework load is really big I'll probably do a new comic. A fresh start. I don't think I'll go back and do new steeve shows thou characters from previous series(at least my series' sorry Droll fans) may make cameos.If I do make a new comic I'll probably start it near the begining of SEP or OCT. And to sign off this long update to anyone who has stuck with our comics through all the delays and reruns thanks and I hope you'll enjoy my new comic which I currently have no idea what it'll be about. And I know I've made my fair share of remarks about ow our comic is so unpopular very few people read it and I'd like to appologize....to both of you. Signing off - Lewis

03/21/04: It's a me again. well the comics restart today and you will get new comics starting August 3rd (08/03/04 mark it on your calender) and If you've been with us from the get go and are tired of re-reading old FLAN I'm going to have the B4DAFLAN up ASAP(I ditched the idea of purdy-fying my old Steeve show's as they'd end up showing uop the current flans).Right they may be up as soon as...today! Also on August 3rd There will be a new sight design (including a new title to replace the calcium one). - Lewis (but you can call me your highness)

03/14/04: Yes and what a busy week it was man I sure am glad we at least update the news regularly. It's only been what.....almost 5 months sweet baby jesus that's a long time well I would have updated a bit sooner but right around the time I desided to update keen space servers crashed{WAH WAH WAH} but here I am once again in the flesh err...pixels telling you what to think...I mean what's happening with the FLAN as I like to call it(But don't you start calling that you may accidently give an underapreciated chef a heart attack when he here's you rave about the flan.) Anyway back on topic. Yeah a lot of the lack of new comics is my fault as it stopped dead in the middle of my storyline.So here's the deal we're going to pull our patented....Run Old Comics To Give Us Time To Make New Ones (patent pending). Well Now you know expect it to restart by this time next week. See ya then Same ROBO Place same FLAN time. Signed Lewis (I'm not A Lewis I'm THE Lewis....that co-writes this comic)

10/17/03: Ok, we've had a busy week. Yes, I'm aware that there are only comics up to Tuesday, but we should have them up for this week by tonight. Thanks for being patient... Marshall.

10/06/03: Wow, we're already into the "double digit" months! Sorry for the late comic, but it's up now. So far, we've enjoyed making 128 of these crazy robot adventures! In 22 comics, we'll be celebrating our 150th comic! Wow. Since this is a special event, I'm still discussing a possible site re-design, etc. Hopefully Lewis will don this, but since he's a lazy bastard, something makes me feel like I'll be doing it. Oh well, it'll be fun. Anyway, more on this later. Peace, Marshall.

9/29/03: Hey, how's it going. I can't believe we're actually a FULL WEEK ahead on comics! In a short while (somewhere under a month) we will be celebrating RoboFlan #150 (!). As a celebration, I've been tossing around some ideas with myself, and am debating whether to do something special or not. It might not seem like much, but when you think about it, as of November 1st, we'll have been doing comics daily for 1/2 a year. I was thinking of maybe a redesigning of the site, or at very least access to both of our old comics (or at least mine until Lewis fixes up his old ones). Also, we might get rid of the some features due to lack of intrest (Rants and Plugs), but I'm not sure if that'll happen. I have no access to the stats of the comic (I think Lewis hides them so even if they're really bad I'll continue to do the comic), so I just want to see how many votes we get on the poll above to see if people are reading the Flan. Please vote, because we'll use whoever wins more! Thank you, Marshall

9/23/03: Woo! Woo! Woo1 Didja' see? Didja see? Chris Crosby drewed a picture of Blue Robot! Woo! It all started when I got an e-mail from "Chris Crosby" about RoboFlan fan art. I replied and said that we should do a fan art exchange. The next day, he replied to that message saying he had never sent the original message. I was a little freaked, but it a little while we concluded that some prankster had used an anonymous mailing service to e-mail me as Chris. I've concluded that person was Lewis. It might not've been, but he's the only person I know who would take the time to do that (instead of working on the comic... ZING!). Anyway, it all turned out good in the end. By the way, you can check out Mr. Crosby's Superosity, the best web-comic of all time here. Signed, Marshall. 9/20/03: Ugh! Sorry about this week's comics. The good news is that they're all finished and ready to be read. If you missed any of them you might want to browse a few days back, because this is a good conclusion to a good storyline. The next two weeks are all mine, so be ready for some weird comics... Signed, Marshall. P.S. More on the fan art later.

9/15/03: (1:50 AM, School in 6 hours...) Ugh, too tired to rant, too bored to not post. Anyway, didja hear? Ben and J. Lo broke up! I can hear every comedian licking their chops and preparing their "told ya' so" jokes. I recorded an Italian serenade similar to some waltz you'd hear on the Godfather soundtrack, so that explains the late comics. It rocks. Anyway, see you in the funny pages, Marshall. P.S. LEWIS changed the HTML on me, so if this message is formated funny, blame him.

9/09/03:Huhzaa the prodigal co-author returns! Well mabee I'm not prodigal but I haven't updated for a while. Sorry I've been meaning to update for sometime (including B4 DA FLAN and Rants). Figured what better day t finally update than the day after our 100th comic. That's right 300 panels of ROBOFLAN-y goodness, and it aint even close to over we've got some great story lines coming up (I don't want to give too much away but at some point in the next month you meet Mr. McJones that's right #1 fan's dad).You may have noticed who does what week is no longer in the drop down that's because Marsh was ashamed that I've done a lot more comics than him so I agreed to take um down. But don't worry you can still tell who does what all sneakily. Mine are the funny ones (Buh-ZING!) take that stinky Marshall! In all seriousness here aresome tips are if you pay attention. Most music references (including Mr. Nugent , and the former blue robot's insesent singing) are done by me. Where as political and current event things are done by me. Well that's all for my news update/borderline rant. Signed Your Pal Lewis.

9/01/03: Happy Labor Day. Enjoy your holiday with a nice eye-full of RoboFlan. The web-comic that won't fill you up, and never lets you down. Anyway, we start school tomorrow, so if a comic is ever late you'll know why. Also our already sparse news schedule might get "sparser". Thank you, Marshall.

8/18/03: Tomorrow is the anniversary of the conception of the RoboFlan idea. Yes, it was one year ago I first made those crazy robots, so to celebrate we have a series about the early lives of some of the cast. Hope you enjoy, Marshall.

8/06/03: The fabled meeting is in the past, and like always we got nothing done. Well, not nothing... more like very little. Lewis did, however, get some ideas for completing next week's series, which I am working on right now. (Seriously, it's hard to type this and the comic at the same time). It's a good series, and I don't want to reveal too much, but I can tell you this: it involves a walrus. Anyway, I'll talk to your computer screen later. Signed, Marshall.
P.S. The new Blue Robot buttons are only temporary until we can get the binary ones re-sized. Unless Lewis likes these (which I doubt he will... bastard...), then we will keep them. Speaking of Lewis, I understand that his account at the Keenspace forums has been messed up, so that's why he hasn't been posting. So if you're here from the KS forums wondering what happened to Lewis, that's what happened. Unless his account has been fixed, then ignore that and enjoy the comic.

7/28/03: Ok, now I'VE done some work (HA-HA!). I worked on the Organizations page, which can be viewed here. It's pretty much complete for now, until we have more to add. I also made Rant #1 for the Rants page. Don't worry, despite the title, it has nothing to do with Dennis Miller. Rock on, Marshall.

7/27/03: I'm back now and ready to make some rocking comics about robots. We're meeting this week to work on the comic and site, so just wait up. As you can see, we'veLewis has done some work to the site (I wasn't planning on letting it go to next Tuesday, maybe just Monday) and it's improving by the day. So keep on readin', and I'll talk to you later. With respect, Marshall (Who doesn't call you names behind your back, unlike SOME co-authors of this comic).

7/21/03: Alright I've been slacking off and not looking at the page for a while. When I come back I see praises and such,but the first thing I see is marshall's shameless plug(Marsh=Stinky) right there smack on the top of the page. So for now I'm going to change and add some stuff that may or may not stay up which will be determined when me and marsh have the meeting. For one In order to make things look more professional I'm adding stuff like a rants page and a plug page so we dont keep doing that in news and our updates can be mainly comic updated. However if the rant is really important then it'll go in news. I put up a links page(keep in mind I'm still working on most of this stuff so they're under construction),an orginization page where you can find info on organizations such as the American Robot Anti-Defamation Council. And to make thingsa look better (Marsh seems to be content with letting the one row on the very top streach into next tuesday) I added aother row for links and moved a lot of old updates into old news.Signed (your best times infinity pal)Lewis.

7/21/03: Okayalright! I leave for the Windy City on Tuesday. We have a two-week series created just for you by Lewis right now that is just spectacular. As yet another 3-word title for a storyline begins, we find out that Blue Robot sees something that... wooo, buddy... he don't like too much. Anyway, we're getting plenty of hits and pageviews, thanks to the support of viewers like you. We'll try to award your continued viewership by getting some extras together. Lewis and I's planning session was cut short last time (I slept all day, then a certain instant messaging service booted me off, and wouldn't let me back on... AIM!). So when I return we're having a colossal meeting, which may or may not result in plans for the rest of the year, a "B4 Da Flan" page, and a store. Stay tooned. HAHAHAHA! Get it? It's a comic... Stay... Tuned... HAHAHAHA! TTYL, Your Pal(More Than Lewis): Marshall. P.S. I've added the "Behind The Machines" section to the site. I hope it will provide insight to the comic. Now all we need to do is get the store, forum and B4 Da Flan happenin'. P.P.S. We're going to add a "Links" page soon, to give links to our pals who link to us, such as the wonderful Squaresville.

7/14/03: Alright, everything is going good. If you missed last week (Mix Bag Week #1) I suggest you go and read that. I think it has some of our funniest comics to date. I'm going on vacation next week, so Lewis will probably do the next two weeks after this. Anyway, this series is a great example of how a comic can be good when slapped together at the last minute. So, enjoy. Love(in a platonic way), Marshall. P.S. Damn you, Lewis.

7/07/03: (Same day, different person)I'm in the process of re working the old steeve shows(so they look a lot better) and making a page for the old comics(B4 DA FLAN).

7/07/03: (Fat Albert voice)HEY, HEY, HEY! We're getting everything together. It's going good. This week is gonna be just a "Mix Bag" week, where we just do some one-shot comics. Hopefully by next week we should have the full site running. Thanks to our average of 28 viewers a day, keep on reading and tell your pals. Goodbye: Marshall

6/27/03: If you read the update for the 25th you're probably thinking what the hell is crazy ol' Lewis jibber jabberin' about? well there was a problem with my browzer so it didn't check for the page to update.Well now that's fixed.Here's the thing when Marsh went on his resizing and grammar/spelling change fest he forgot one thing...to tell me how to resize he's not home for the weekend so the next week will be full size like it used to be.Your Buddy:Lewis

6/23/03: ...again:I took down the Steeve show and drollstreet,marshalls brain comics we are going to put them on a page seperate from the archives...mabee.Your Buddy:Lewis

6/23/03: From Lewis... If you Ever wondered what happens when you stop being polite and start...Wait no sorry got side tracked.If you ever wondered what happens when you colabarate with out being in very much contact for decisions and such...This is it.Now I want to make a point of saying I'm not angry.While I was making a new design from scratch marsh changed the design to a retro wood thing(Damn you Marsh!),This is my template more metalic if you ask me(get it robots are made of metal).As a note (I'll leave a key) I, Lewis, will update in blue(my favorite color).Marsh will update in white. This will get rid of the,although minor,tedious tsk of starting with from person... We'll still sign off though.Your Buddy:Lewis

6/16/03: From Marshall... Hey all, this is the world they call RoboFlan. The next couple of weeks will be pretty shaky as we tweek the site design and get everything running like a shiny machine. (Ha, get it? The comic is about robots...). Anyway, soon we'll have a cast bio page, archives for our previous comics, and a short essay explaining the comic. Look for a snazzy new site design in the next week or so, and a final size for the comic (making it viewable) in the same time period. We'll try to get a store up (like you'd want this crap). I've done some editing to almost all of the RoboFlan comics in the archives, mostly just correcting spelling errors (Damn you Lewis!), and re-sizing. I didn't add too much. Talk to you later, Your pal: Marshall

6/02/03: Huzzah the new comic has started it’s called Roboflan and it’s about robots (not flan) hope youall enjoy it. Hits for this site are pretty good but they could be better keep it up fans. In case you are wondering this week was done by Marshall. I also tweaked the design a bit to reflect the robots.